Pyroluria info
Clinical Use and Diagnosis: Pyrrole disorder-characterized by elevated urine kryptopyrrole test, resulting in a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6. Identified frequently in behavior disorders, autism, aspergers, adhd, add, depression, bipolar disorders,assaultive/aggressive/violent behavior, other mental and emotional conditions and schizophrenia. It is an inborn error of the pyrrole chemistry. Common symptoms include: Poor tolerance of physical and emotional stress, poor anger control, emotional mood swings, depression, anxiety, poor short term memory, frequent infections, inability to tan, poor dream recall, abnormal fat distribution, sensitivity to light and sound and tactile sensitivites. The decisive laboratory test is analysis of Kryptopyrrole in urine. Treatment: Treatment of pyroluria consists of a replacement of zinc and vitamin B6. Because the treatment is metabolic rather than pharmacologic, it needs to be titrated to individual requirements. A variety of factors are taken into consideration when developing a treatment regimen. Both zinc and B6 supplementation need to be directed by a practitioner as too much can be toxic, use of wrong form ineffective, and avoiding competing minerals and supplements may be necessary.
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