AUTHOR: Biomed Mom TITLE: Blog entry about histamine/PST/supplements for methylation DATE: 4/18/2007 08:43:00 AM ----- BODY:
Found this on a blog by a Pfeiffer patient. Interesting. Sulfation Sulfation is the conjugation of toxins with sulfur-containing compounds. The sulfation system is important for detoxifying several drugs, food additives, and, especially, toxins from intestinal bacteria and the environment. In addition to environmental toxins, sulfation is also used to detoxify some normal body chemicals and is the main pathway for the elimination of steroid and thyroid hormones. Since sulfation is also the primary route for the elimination of neurotransmitters, dysfunction in this system may contribute to the development of some nervous system disorders.
Sulfation was already on my list on "to learn about" since the PTC prescribed phenolic enymes, which break down phenols, which are ordinarly broken down by sulfates. Maybe I was too hasty in the "phase II ok for histapenics" conclusion. Still, methionine is needed for sulfation, and supposedly histapenics have a lot of that. I dont know. Inducers of phase II detoxification enzymes Glutathione conjugation: Brassica family foods (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts); limonene-containing foods (citrus peel, dill weed oil, caraway oil) Amino acid conjugation: Glycine Methylation: Lipotropic nutrients (choline, methionine, betaine, folic acid, vitamin B12) Sulfation: Cysteine, methionine, taurine Acetylation: None found Glucuronidation: Fish oils, cigarette smoking, birth control pills, Phenobarbital, limonene-containing foods Inhibitors of phase II detoxification enzymes Glutathione conjugation: Selenium deficiency, vitamin B2 deficiency, glutathione deficiency, zinc deficiency Amino acid conjugation: Low protein diet Methylation: Folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency Sulfation: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. aspirin), tartrazine (yellow food dye), molybdenum deficiency Acetylation: Vitamin B2, B5, or C deficiency Glucuronidation: Aspirin, probenecid reads like a checklist of histapenic supplments, but do not taht ciggarettes, most favored by histadelics, induce phase II detoxification. Pahse III is bile production. Bile. from the liver, stored in the gall bladder. Somehow I recall that Ceruplasmin is involved. I have to check that out.

Impairment of bile flow within the liver can be caused by a variety of agents and conditions. These conditions are often associated with alterations of liver function in laboratory tests (serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, LDH, GGTP, etc.) signifying cellular damage. However, relying on these tests alone to evaluate liver function is not adequate, since, in the initial or subclinical stages of many problems with liver function, laboratory values remain normal. Among the symptoms people with enzymatic damage complain of are: Fatigue; general malaise; digestive disturbances; allergies and chemical sensitivities; premenstrual syndrome; constipation.

Hmmmmmmmm. My PMS is fine, but that is interesting. AS noted above, my AST and SGOT are always slightly elevated, and my billirubin is high. If this researches leads to something, I want a refund from all the hospitals who have wasted my time on cr*p I could figure out. I am sick of funding thier student loan payments.

regrettably methionine is listed as the only supplment aiding in bile production, but I have to tell you that I am recently feeling like the methionine and methly cycle is more complex than the PTC is telling me. I dont know on that one.

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Adopt Biomed

This blog gathers information about biomedical interventions for children with adoption trauma and Reactive Attachment Disorder. Posts are gathered from multiple websites in one place. Most posts contain unedited text relating to biomedical treatment, dietary changes, vitamins, homeopathy, herbs, etc. Where possible, the link to the original information is included.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blog entry about histamine/PST/supplements for methylation

Found this on a blog by a Pfeiffer patient. Interesting. Sulfation Sulfation is the conjugation of toxins with sulfur-containing compounds. The sulfation system is important for detoxifying several drugs, food additives, and, especially, toxins from intestinal bacteria and the environment. In addition to environmental toxins, sulfation is also used to detoxify some normal body chemicals and is the main pathway for the elimination of steroid and thyroid hormones. Since sulfation is also the primary route for the elimination of neurotransmitters, dysfunction in this system may contribute to the development of some nervous system disorders.
Sulfation was already on my list on "to learn about" since the PTC prescribed phenolic enymes, which break down phenols, which are ordinarly broken down by sulfates. Maybe I was too hasty in the "phase II ok for histapenics" conclusion. Still, methionine is needed for sulfation, and supposedly histapenics have a lot of that. I dont know. Inducers of phase II detoxification enzymes Glutathione conjugation: Brassica family foods (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts); limonene-containing foods (citrus peel, dill weed oil, caraway oil) Amino acid conjugation: Glycine Methylation: Lipotropic nutrients (choline, methionine, betaine, folic acid, vitamin B12) Sulfation: Cysteine, methionine, taurine Acetylation: None found Glucuronidation: Fish oils, cigarette smoking, birth control pills, Phenobarbital, limonene-containing foods Inhibitors of phase II detoxification enzymes Glutathione conjugation: Selenium deficiency, vitamin B2 deficiency, glutathione deficiency, zinc deficiency Amino acid conjugation: Low protein diet Methylation: Folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency Sulfation: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. aspirin), tartrazine (yellow food dye), molybdenum deficiency Acetylation: Vitamin B2, B5, or C deficiency Glucuronidation: Aspirin, probenecid reads like a checklist of histapenic supplments, but do not taht ciggarettes, most favored by histadelics, induce phase II detoxification. Pahse III is bile production. Bile. from the liver, stored in the gall bladder. Somehow I recall that Ceruplasmin is involved. I have to check that out.

Impairment of bile flow within the liver can be caused by a variety of agents and conditions. These conditions are often associated with alterations of liver function in laboratory tests (serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, LDH, GGTP, etc.) signifying cellular damage. However, relying on these tests alone to evaluate liver function is not adequate, since, in the initial or subclinical stages of many problems with liver function, laboratory values remain normal. Among the symptoms people with enzymatic damage complain of are: Fatigue; general malaise; digestive disturbances; allergies and chemical sensitivities; premenstrual syndrome; constipation.

Hmmmmmmmm. My PMS is fine, but that is interesting. AS noted above, my AST and SGOT are always slightly elevated, and my billirubin is high. If this researches leads to something, I want a refund from all the hospitals who have wasted my time on cr*p I could figure out. I am sick of funding thier student loan payments.

regrettably methionine is listed as the only supplment aiding in bile production, but I have to tell you that I am recently feeling like the methionine and methly cycle is more complex than the PTC is telling me. I dont know on that one.

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