AUTHOR: Biomed Mom TITLE: Non-medical solutions for ADHD DATE: 11/14/2008 06:28:00 AM ----- BODY: By Suzanne Day Parents of children with learning or attention problems will often react negatively to the use of medications, which are recommended by the medical profession. However, what parents really need and want is guidance in their search for solutions. This article attempts only to guide parents to a better understanding of the different aspects of the biochemical components of learning difficulties and attention behavioural problems. I do not pretend to be an expert in the nutrition but an expert on the brain, which is fuelled by nutrition. Parents and professionals dealing with attention deficits in children observe the food-mood connection, which is more evident in some children than others. Behaviours are based on thoughts and memories processed in the brain. The neurons (brain cells) transmit information as electrical signals with the use of neurotransmitters. These transmissions constitute the biochemical basis for changes in behaviours. The brain, one of the most vital organs of the body, receives its nutrition directly from the blood stream. Therefore, balanced nutrients will enhance the biochemical and electrical functions of the brain, which in turn affect learning. Imbalance of nutrients, especially through a diet of junk food, snack and fast food, will have an adverse effect, aggravating or intensifing learning and behavioural problems. The efficient functioning of the brain requires at least the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, essential monosaccharides (glyconutirents), vitamins, minerals, and water. Essential Amino Acids Proteins provide the needed amino acids to build healthy nerve cells. These nerve cells then provide new connections to increase retrieval (memory). Most children with learning and attention difficulties need to consume more proteins, rather than starch and sugar. However, Dr. Amen in his book Healing ADD, has found that children with obsessive-compulsive behaviours require a balanced diet of protein and starch. He also explains that these children may also benefit from additional specific amino acids which are precursors of the neurotransmitters that help with the neurotransmission of the electric influx into the brain. For example, tyrosine is a building block for dopamine (control of movements, pleasure centers, and motivation). Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid which is abundant in brown rice, leafy vegetables, and milk. Tyrosine is considered a “spark protein”. This amino acid as a supplement is known as L-tyrosine, and should be taken on an empty stomach. Tryptophan and 5-HTP are essential amino acids and are building blocks for the neurotransmitter serotonin, which controls our emotions and our sleeping patterns. Tryptophan is considered a “sedative-protein”. Most vegetables and nuts contain tryptophan. GABA, still another essential neurotransmitter, is an anti-anxiety agent. GABA is formed in the body by glutamic acid that can be synthesized from other amino acids. Phenylalanine is an amino acid precursor of norepinephrine (arousal and attention) coming in the form of DLAP as a nutritional supplement. Proteins are essential because they contain the necessary amino acids to build healthy nerve cells. Whether supplemented or taken in the diet, amino acids must be present for children to be able to overcome with learning difficulties or those with behavioural issues. Essential Fatty Acids Dr. Michael Lyon has done extensive research to better understand some of the main nutritional root causes of attention difficulties. The essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, are required by every cell in the human body and especially in the brain which is 60% fat. These essential fatty acids seems to be greatly involved in the ability to stay focused and complete tasks. The most commonly available omega-3 fatty acids is known as alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and can be found in large quantity in flax seed oil. The omega-6 fatty acid is known as linoleic acid (LA) and can be found in pumkin , sunflower, or sesame seeds. We recommend that you use a coffee grinder and grind your seeds as you need them because they start loosing the value as soon as the seed is broken. Only if the right enzymes are present in the body, will these acids be converted to incorporate them in the brain and the immune system. However, too often the body is inefficient in converting them. The best sources of essential fatty acids are the fish oils: tuna, salmon, and cod. Hydrogenation and Trans-fatty Acids Dr Lyon as well as many other experts on this topic, warns about the use of hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acids ( the margarine, shortening, and cooking oils) which contain almost no essential fatty acids. Hydrogenation, the most common way of drastically changing natural oils, heats oils at high temperatures. The heat alters the molecule structure, which in turn interferes with the biochemical processes, “clogging” our physiological systems, our brains included. Udo Erasmus explains that “the molecule has its “head on backwards.” Not only does the heated oil looses its nutrients, but a catalyst (heavy metals like aluminium) is added, leaving remnants in these oils that are eaten by people. Udo Erasmus concludes “The 60 grams (2 ounces) of margarine and shortening we consume each day contain more than twice as many “food additives” than are found in the other 2640 grams of food that men consume each day (1740grams by women).” “Leaky Gut” and Debris in the Blood Dr. Lyon states, "Optimal digestion, good nutrient absorption and a leak proof gut are essential for good health." Based on his experience, brain health and gut health are vitally linked. In his book, Is Your Child's Brain Starving, he explains that most children with attention deficit and hyperactivity present a “leaky gut”. As well, they lack friendly bacteria in the gut, and have different types of intestinal parasites. Let’s explain briefly the term “leaky gut”. Normally the lining of the small intestine protects us from undigested food getting into the blood stream. Unfortunately, due to different factors including the excessive consumption of starchy or sugary foods, which ADD children crave, the tight junctions between cells of the intestinal lining detach and gaps form between the cells. This leaky gut allows molecular debris to circulate throughout the entire body, interfering with organ functions. The brain is one of our vital organs and these irritants adversely affect it. Milk and its Molecule Modification One of the most common types of molecular debris is milk protein. Milk has always been recognized as an essential nutrient for building healthy bodies. However, new research has shown that milk can create allergies and seems to be the cause of many ear infections. What is happening? The problem is not the milk, but what happens when milk is homogenized and radiated. Homogenizing milk breaks down the fat molecules into minute particles, which can cross the gut barrier and be absorbed into the blood stream. This causes many problems including allergic reactions and ear infections. These “foreign” protein molecules weaken the immune system because the body recognizes the milk protein as an enemy. Organs, like the brain, are often attacked. Although, soya milk is often used to replace cows’ milk, it appears to be difficult to digest for some children, who lack the necessary enzymes. See the article “Why you should avoid Soy”, by Sally Fallon ( Healing the “Leaky Gut” Research has confirmed what Dr. Lyon found with ADD: behaviour problems, including attention problems, autism, and schizophrenia, are often linked to intestinal problems. Elaine Gottschall has brought relief to thousands with her research and her diet. In her book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, she explains the importance of a healthy intestinal tract. According to her, inefficiency in digesting double sugars, disaccharides like table sugar and polysaccharides, leads to mal-absorption and inflammatory bowel disease. Her diet, the ‘Specific Carbohydrate Diet’, is based on a monosaccharide diet (one molecule of sugar) like glucose. Interestingly, neurobiologists have discovered that more than 90% of all the serotonin (a neurotransmitter) made and then stored, is in the gut. The lack of serotonin is blamed for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Poor digestion, absorption and elimination may lead to mental, emotional and physical sickness. White Sugar and Hypoglycemia In my work with children with learning and attention problems, I regularly witness the fact that these children often crave sugar and starch (starch becomes sugar after it is metabolized.) Parents and educators often observe, that these children are hyperactive for a short period and then a few hours later, they become lethargic. A high sugar food made with white sugar like a chocolate bar, a soda pop, or candies, stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin which triggers cells throughout the body to pull the excess glucose out of the bloodstream and store it for later use. Soon, the glucose available to the brain has dropped. Neurons, unable to store glucose, experience an energy crisis. The ability to focus and think suffers. This glucose deficiency is called hypoglycemia, and it can even lead to unconsciousness. The Very “Bad” Sugar: Aspartame Much research has been done on Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, used in such brands as Equal and Nutrasweet. It is about 200 times sweeter than the refined sugar. Dr. Mercola reports that “Aspartame complaints represent 80-85% of food complaints registered with the FDA. In 1991, the National Institutes of Health listed 167 symptoms and reasons to avoid the use of aspartame, but today it remains a multi-million dollar business. Known to erode intelligence and affect short-term memory, the components of this toxic sweetener may lead to a wide variety of ailments…” (the list is included in his article from his web site). He recommends an helpful documentary on this subject Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. The “Good Sugars”: the Glyconutrients A team from the University of Arkansas, directed by Dr. Dykman has conducted special studies evaluating the effects of different types of sugars (glyconutrients) upon brain function. The term glyconutrient refers to sugars that are absolutely essential for proper cellular survival and function, especially for the immune system cells. Most people know about glucose (from sucrose or white sugar) and galactose (from milk). However, little is known about the other six essential sugars, which are not readily available through a regular diet and need to be metabolized. Abundant research studies have identified the eight essential sugars (monosaccharides) needed for cells to communicate. This fact is noted in the latest Harper Biochemistry Dictionary, a medical desk reference. Dr. Dykman‘s study, found that certain single-cell sugars or monosaccharides enhanced brainwave frequencies associated with attention and alertness, increased reaction time, and concentration. Studies clearly show the important benefits children receive from ingesting these eight essential sugars as a nutritional supplement. “Breakfast Eaters” have Better Attention Span than “Breakfast Skippers” There are many components in a child’s diet, which will have a direct affect on brain function, behaviour and academic performance. William Sears, M.D. and Lynda Thompson, PhD in their A.D.D. Book, consecrated one chapter to the subject of feeding a child's brain. According to them, "it is not only the type of food but when and how you eat it that affects brain function." Their studies show that breakfast eaters, especially those that eat a breakfast rich in protein and calcium, generally have higher grades. Breakfast skippers, on the other hand, are more likely to be sluggish and overeat throughout the rest of the day. This is observed in the change of the brain waves patterns of children training with neurofeedback at our office. We frequently observe an increase in the theta wave (the slow waves (corresponding to a tune-out mental set) after a child has eaten sugary cereals or worst after eating pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast! Neurofeedback uses a quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) (see article on neurofeedback training for attention span). Obviously, if a child has an increase in slow brain waves, he/she will be sluggish at school and this will have an adverse impact on behaviour and grades. The Need of Supplements in our Diet It is well recognized even by the American Medical Association that we now need to add to our diets vitamin and mineral supplements because of our depleted soils. Adding to the pesticides and other chemicals polluting added to our food chain, fruits and vegetables are lacking the essential nutrients, called “phytonutrients” because they are often picked before they ripen. These “phytonutrients” strengthen our immune systems and work like enzymes aiding digestion and absorption. Supplementing the diet with enzymes will often help people with learning and attention difficulties because the lack of digestion and absorption is often one of their physiological weaknesses. Heavy Metals and Brain Function Unfortunately, heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum found in our drinking water, water pipes, some vaccines, some junk food, and the air we breathe (are just some of the source of heavy metals ingestion) interfere with the absorption of necessary minerals, like zinc. Research has shown that high intercellular copper levels and low zinc levels cause many children to be hyperactive. Antioxidants are essentials in neutralizing free radicals oxidative stress (like rust produced on metal ) that heavy metals create. Chelation can be used to remove heavy metals from the body, preventing any interference in vitamin and mineral absorption and allowing the body to replenish the cells with the healthy metals. Water and the brain health Drinking several glasses of water per day is essential, but few do it. Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water (you are not sick, you are thirsty) will motivate its readers to drink water. Here is an excerpt from his book: "The human body is composed of 25% solid matter and 75% water. Brain tissue is said to consist of 85% water. Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. “Water distribution” is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water, but its transported elements (hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients) first reach the more vital organs.” With the use of the QEEG , I have regularly observed children, gaining more control over their slow brain waves, after drinking a glass of water. Water is necessary for the body, but not all water is equal. Chlorine, which is present in city tap water, will prevent the absorption of tyrosine, an important amino acid. Our water can also be contaminated with heavy metals. City tap water needs to be purified. Osmosis water filtering systems and distilled water filtering systems are not the best filtration methods for long-term consumption. Water from these types of filtration systems not only remove essential minerals, but this water will leach the body of its minerals. It is also interesting to know that the osmosis water has a “low pH” which means that the water is acidic and may interfere with the alkaline state of the body. Efficient water filtration systems are available and are able to remove harmful substances and yet retain the important minerals. Therefore, before children start consuming more water to transport nutrients to the body organs, attention needs to be paid to the type of water these children are ingesting. Genetically Engineered Food Our children’s health in the form of undiagnosed food allergies or intolerance to food (such as celiac disease) may be linked to genetically engineered food It is since 1997 that we have had a wide variety of unlabelled genetically-engineered foods enter our supermarket shelves. Genetic engineering has to do with implanting conglomerations of genes from viruses, bacteria, insects, and animals onto our fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. Would it be possible that one explanation of these allergies to nuts, unheard few years ago, could be linked with the modified structure of the nuts? For example, in tests conducted at the University of Nebraska and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that soybeans modified with genes from Brazil nuts produced proteins that resulted in extreme, potentially deadly allergic reactions in people sensitive to the nuts. The human body is amazingly designed. Scientist consider that we have approximately 70 trillions of cells in our body. These cells continually multiply and die resulting in having a brand new body every seven or eight years. The health of the body depends on the health of the cells which produce energy. This article enumerate some facts about the reasons why our brain can be weakened. The good news is that if we limit the ingestion of the “bad stuff” and feed the body with the nutrients it needs to function efficiently, the body can regenerate itself. To summarize, children and adults with behavioural, learning and attention problems Firstly, they should AVOID (as much as possible): * JUNK FOOD, snack food, and fast food * the genetically modified organisms * trans-fatty acids (hydrogenated oil), * food containing pesticides ( * white sugar (pop, cereal, candy…) * white flour (pasta, pizza…) * food dyes (especially the red and yellow ones) * Aspartame (sugar substitute in candy and gum) and MSG (flavor enhancer) * caffeine and chocolate * homogenized milk and be careful with soya milk which is often difficult to digest * preservatives * carbonated drinks Secondly, they NEED: * vitamins (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) * minerals * phytochemical supplements * proteins (amino acids) * essential fatty acids * glyconutrients, eight essential monosaccharides (sugars) * drink daily more purified water (one quart of water for every fifty pounds of weight.) * probiotics, which are the good bacteria needed in the intestines * get rid of toxins through exercise and antioxidants (Vitamin C is excellent) * get rid of parasites * sleep well The intention of this article is to not create more problems, but to summarize the main nutritional issues related to learning and attention behaviours in order better understand some of the physical root problems of learning and attention behaviours. Pursue your research, and pray for wisdom that you may glean what you need to help your children and yourselves. Make the changes step by step. Ask God for wisdom to know what you cannot change and wisdom to know what you can and need to do. A professional assessment of your child’s balance of nutrients in relation to his/her learning and attention inefficiencies may helpful. If you need help in assessing the learning and attention inefficiencies of your child I would love to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or needs. “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy: to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.” Psalm 33: 18-19 Resources To know more about glyconutrients (the good sugars): (phone David: 705-726-5971 or (the Canadian one)) Books Is Your Child's Brain Starving? Michael R. Lyon, M.D. Healing the Hyper Active Brain, Michael R. Lyon, M.D. ( Your Body's Many Cries for Water, F.Batmanghelidj, M.D. ( The ADD Book, by William Sears, M.D. and Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. Breaking the Vicious Cycle, by . Elaine Gottschall ( and ( Fat that Heal, Fats that Kill, Udo Erasmus Miracle Sugars, Rita Elkins, M.H. The Second Brain, Your gut has a mind of its own, Michael D. Gershon, M.D. Healing ADD, Daniel G. Amen, M.D. ( How to Survive on a Toxic Planet, Dr. Steve Nugent The Safe Shopper’s Bible. By Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD & David Steinman Nutrition and Mental Illness, by Carl C. Pfeiffer,Ph.D,M.D. Web sites: Dr Joseph Mercola ( (look for the article "Why you should avoid Soy" by Sally Fallon and for the DVD "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World") Environmental Causes of Learning Disabilities ( The Truth about Soy ( To know more about glyconutrients (the good sugars): (phone David: 705-726-5971 or (the Canadian one)) Copyright 2005 Suzanne Day, Neuropsychologist member of l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec

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Adopt Biomed

This blog gathers information about biomedical interventions for children with adoption trauma and Reactive Attachment Disorder. Posts are gathered from multiple websites in one place. Most posts contain unedited text relating to biomedical treatment, dietary changes, vitamins, homeopathy, herbs, etc. Where possible, the link to the original information is included.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Non-medical solutions for ADHD By Suzanne Day Parents of children with learning or attention problems will often react negatively to the use of medications, which are recommended by the medical profession. However, what parents really need and want is guidance in their search for solutions. This article attempts only to guide parents to a better understanding of the different aspects of the biochemical components of learning difficulties and attention behavioural problems. I do not pretend to be an expert in the nutrition but an expert on the brain, which is fuelled by nutrition. Parents and professionals dealing with attention deficits in children observe the food-mood connection, which is more evident in some children than others. Behaviours are based on thoughts and memories processed in the brain. The neurons (brain cells) transmit information as electrical signals with the use of neurotransmitters. These transmissions constitute the biochemical basis for changes in behaviours. The brain, one of the most vital organs of the body, receives its nutrition directly from the blood stream. Therefore, balanced nutrients will enhance the biochemical and electrical functions of the brain, which in turn affect learning. Imbalance of nutrients, especially through a diet of junk food, snack and fast food, will have an adverse effect, aggravating or intensifing learning and behavioural problems. The efficient functioning of the brain requires at least the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, essential monosaccharides (glyconutirents), vitamins, minerals, and water. Essential Amino Acids Proteins provide the needed amino acids to build healthy nerve cells. These nerve cells then provide new connections to increase retrieval (memory). Most children with learning and attention difficulties need to consume more proteins, rather than starch and sugar. However, Dr. Amen in his book Healing ADD, has found that children with obsessive-compulsive behaviours require a balanced diet of protein and starch. He also explains that these children may also benefit from additional specific amino acids which are precursors of the neurotransmitters that help with the neurotransmission of the electric influx into the brain. For example, tyrosine is a building block for dopamine (control of movements, pleasure centers, and motivation). Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid which is abundant in brown rice, leafy vegetables, and milk. Tyrosine is considered a “spark protein”. This amino acid as a supplement is known as L-tyrosine, and should be taken on an empty stomach. Tryptophan and 5-HTP are essential amino acids and are building blocks for the neurotransmitter serotonin, which controls our emotions and our sleeping patterns. Tryptophan is considered a “sedative-protein”. Most vegetables and nuts contain tryptophan. GABA, still another essential neurotransmitter, is an anti-anxiety agent. GABA is formed in the body by glutamic acid that can be synthesized from other amino acids. Phenylalanine is an amino acid precursor of norepinephrine (arousal and attention) coming in the form of DLAP as a nutritional supplement. Proteins are essential because they contain the necessary amino acids to build healthy nerve cells. Whether supplemented or taken in the diet, amino acids must be present for children to be able to overcome with learning difficulties or those with behavioural issues. Essential Fatty Acids Dr. Michael Lyon has done extensive research to better understand some of the main nutritional root causes of attention difficulties. The essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, are required by every cell in the human body and especially in the brain which is 60% fat. These essential fatty acids seems to be greatly involved in the ability to stay focused and complete tasks. The most commonly available omega-3 fatty acids is known as alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and can be found in large quantity in flax seed oil. The omega-6 fatty acid is known as linoleic acid (LA) and can be found in pumkin , sunflower, or sesame seeds. We recommend that you use a coffee grinder and grind your seeds as you need them because they start loosing the value as soon as the seed is broken. Only if the right enzymes are present in the body, will these acids be converted to incorporate them in the brain and the immune system. However, too often the body is inefficient in converting them. The best sources of essential fatty acids are the fish oils: tuna, salmon, and cod. Hydrogenation and Trans-fatty Acids Dr Lyon as well as many other experts on this topic, warns about the use of hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acids ( the margarine, shortening, and cooking oils) which contain almost no essential fatty acids. Hydrogenation, the most common way of drastically changing natural oils, heats oils at high temperatures. The heat alters the molecule structure, which in turn interferes with the biochemical processes, “clogging” our physiological systems, our brains included. Udo Erasmus explains that “the molecule has its “head on backwards.” Not only does the heated oil looses its nutrients, but a catalyst (heavy metals like aluminium) is added, leaving remnants in these oils that are eaten by people. Udo Erasmus concludes “The 60 grams (2 ounces) of margarine and shortening we consume each day contain more than twice as many “food additives” than are found in the other 2640 grams of food that men consume each day (1740grams by women).” “Leaky Gut” and Debris in the Blood Dr. Lyon states, "Optimal digestion, good nutrient absorption and a leak proof gut are essential for good health." Based on his experience, brain health and gut health are vitally linked. In his book, Is Your Child's Brain Starving, he explains that most children with attention deficit and hyperactivity present a “leaky gut”. As well, they lack friendly bacteria in the gut, and have different types of intestinal parasites. Let’s explain briefly the term “leaky gut”. Normally the lining of the small intestine protects us from undigested food getting into the blood stream. Unfortunately, due to different factors including the excessive consumption of starchy or sugary foods, which ADD children crave, the tight junctions between cells of the intestinal lining detach and gaps form between the cells. This leaky gut allows molecular debris to circulate throughout the entire body, interfering with organ functions. The brain is one of our vital organs and these irritants adversely affect it. Milk and its Molecule Modification One of the most common types of molecular debris is milk protein. Milk has always been recognized as an essential nutrient for building healthy bodies. However, new research has shown that milk can create allergies and seems to be the cause of many ear infections. What is happening? The problem is not the milk, but what happens when milk is homogenized and radiated. Homogenizing milk breaks down the fat molecules into minute particles, which can cross the gut barrier and be absorbed into the blood stream. This causes many problems including allergic reactions and ear infections. These “foreign” protein molecules weaken the immune system because the body recognizes the milk protein as an enemy. Organs, like the brain, are often attacked. Although, soya milk is often used to replace cows’ milk, it appears to be difficult to digest for some children, who lack the necessary enzymes. See the article “Why you should avoid Soy”, by Sally Fallon ( Healing the “Leaky Gut” Research has confirmed what Dr. Lyon found with ADD: behaviour problems, including attention problems, autism, and schizophrenia, are often linked to intestinal problems. Elaine Gottschall has brought relief to thousands with her research and her diet. In her book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, she explains the importance of a healthy intestinal tract. According to her, inefficiency in digesting double sugars, disaccharides like table sugar and polysaccharides, leads to mal-absorption and inflammatory bowel disease. Her diet, the ‘Specific Carbohydrate Diet’, is based on a monosaccharide diet (one molecule of sugar) like glucose. Interestingly, neurobiologists have discovered that more than 90% of all the serotonin (a neurotransmitter) made and then stored, is in the gut. The lack of serotonin is blamed for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Poor digestion, absorption and elimination may lead to mental, emotional and physical sickness. White Sugar and Hypoglycemia In my work with children with learning and attention problems, I regularly witness the fact that these children often crave sugar and starch (starch becomes sugar after it is metabolized.) Parents and educators often observe, that these children are hyperactive for a short period and then a few hours later, they become lethargic. A high sugar food made with white sugar like a chocolate bar, a soda pop, or candies, stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin which triggers cells throughout the body to pull the excess glucose out of the bloodstream and store it for later use. Soon, the glucose available to the brain has dropped. Neurons, unable to store glucose, experience an energy crisis. The ability to focus and think suffers. This glucose deficiency is called hypoglycemia, and it can even lead to unconsciousness. The Very “Bad” Sugar: Aspartame Much research has been done on Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, used in such brands as Equal and Nutrasweet. It is about 200 times sweeter than the refined sugar. Dr. Mercola reports that “Aspartame complaints represent 80-85% of food complaints registered with the FDA. In 1991, the National Institutes of Health listed 167 symptoms and reasons to avoid the use of aspartame, but today it remains a multi-million dollar business. Known to erode intelligence and affect short-term memory, the components of this toxic sweetener may lead to a wide variety of ailments…” (the list is included in his article from his web site). He recommends an helpful documentary on this subject Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. The “Good Sugars”: the Glyconutrients A team from the University of Arkansas, directed by Dr. Dykman has conducted special studies evaluating the effects of different types of sugars (glyconutrients) upon brain function. The term glyconutrient refers to sugars that are absolutely essential for proper cellular survival and function, especially for the immune system cells. Most people know about glucose (from sucrose or white sugar) and galactose (from milk). However, little is known about the other six essential sugars, which are not readily available through a regular diet and need to be metabolized. Abundant research studies have identified the eight essential sugars (monosaccharides) needed for cells to communicate. This fact is noted in the latest Harper Biochemistry Dictionary, a medical desk reference. Dr. Dykman‘s study, found that certain single-cell sugars or monosaccharides enhanced brainwave frequencies associated with attention and alertness, increased reaction time, and concentration. Studies clearly show the important benefits children receive from ingesting these eight essential sugars as a nutritional supplement. “Breakfast Eaters” have Better Attention Span than “Breakfast Skippers” There are many components in a child’s diet, which will have a direct affect on brain function, behaviour and academic performance. William Sears, M.D. and Lynda Thompson, PhD in their A.D.D. Book, consecrated one chapter to the subject of feeding a child's brain. According to them, "it is not only the type of food but when and how you eat it that affects brain function." Their studies show that breakfast eaters, especially those that eat a breakfast rich in protein and calcium, generally have higher grades. Breakfast skippers, on the other hand, are more likely to be sluggish and overeat throughout the rest of the day. This is observed in the change of the brain waves patterns of children training with neurofeedback at our office. We frequently observe an increase in the theta wave (the slow waves (corresponding to a tune-out mental set) after a child has eaten sugary cereals or worst after eating pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast! Neurofeedback uses a quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) (see article on neurofeedback training for attention span). Obviously, if a child has an increase in slow brain waves, he/she will be sluggish at school and this will have an adverse impact on behaviour and grades. The Need of Supplements in our Diet It is well recognized even by the American Medical Association that we now need to add to our diets vitamin and mineral supplements because of our depleted soils. Adding to the pesticides and other chemicals polluting added to our food chain, fruits and vegetables are lacking the essential nutrients, called “phytonutrients” because they are often picked before they ripen. These “phytonutrients” strengthen our immune systems and work like enzymes aiding digestion and absorption. Supplementing the diet with enzymes will often help people with learning and attention difficulties because the lack of digestion and absorption is often one of their physiological weaknesses. Heavy Metals and Brain Function Unfortunately, heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum found in our drinking water, water pipes, some vaccines, some junk food, and the air we breathe (are just some of the source of heavy metals ingestion) interfere with the absorption of necessary minerals, like zinc. Research has shown that high intercellular copper levels and low zinc levels cause many children to be hyperactive. Antioxidants are essentials in neutralizing free radicals oxidative stress (like rust produced on metal ) that heavy metals create. Chelation can be used to remove heavy metals from the body, preventing any interference in vitamin and mineral absorption and allowing the body to replenish the cells with the healthy metals. Water and the brain health Drinking several glasses of water per day is essential, but few do it. Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water (you are not sick, you are thirsty) will motivate its readers to drink water. Here is an excerpt from his book: "The human body is composed of 25% solid matter and 75% water. Brain tissue is said to consist of 85% water. Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. “Water distribution” is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water, but its transported elements (hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients) first reach the more vital organs.” With the use of the QEEG , I have regularly observed children, gaining more control over their slow brain waves, after drinking a glass of water. Water is necessary for the body, but not all water is equal. Chlorine, which is present in city tap water, will prevent the absorption of tyrosine, an important amino acid. Our water can also be contaminated with heavy metals. City tap water needs to be purified. Osmosis water filtering systems and distilled water filtering systems are not the best filtration methods for long-term consumption. Water from these types of filtration systems not only remove essential minerals, but this water will leach the body of its minerals. It is also interesting to know that the osmosis water has a “low pH” which means that the water is acidic and may interfere with the alkaline state of the body. Efficient water filtration systems are available and are able to remove harmful substances and yet retain the important minerals. Therefore, before children start consuming more water to transport nutrients to the body organs, attention needs to be paid to the type of water these children are ingesting. Genetically Engineered Food Our children’s health in the form of undiagnosed food allergies or intolerance to food (such as celiac disease) may be linked to genetically engineered food It is since 1997 that we have had a wide variety of unlabelled genetically-engineered foods enter our supermarket shelves. Genetic engineering has to do with implanting conglomerations of genes from viruses, bacteria, insects, and animals onto our fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. Would it be possible that one explanation of these allergies to nuts, unheard few years ago, could be linked with the modified structure of the nuts? For example, in tests conducted at the University of Nebraska and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that soybeans modified with genes from Brazil nuts produced proteins that resulted in extreme, potentially deadly allergic reactions in people sensitive to the nuts. The human body is amazingly designed. Scientist consider that we have approximately 70 trillions of cells in our body. These cells continually multiply and die resulting in having a brand new body every seven or eight years. The health of the body depends on the health of the cells which produce energy. This article enumerate some facts about the reasons why our brain can be weakened. The good news is that if we limit the ingestion of the “bad stuff” and feed the body with the nutrients it needs to function efficiently, the body can regenerate itself. To summarize, children and adults with behavioural, learning and attention problems Firstly, they should AVOID (as much as possible): * JUNK FOOD, snack food, and fast food * the genetically modified organisms * trans-fatty acids (hydrogenated oil), * food containing pesticides ( * white sugar (pop, cereal, candy…) * white flour (pasta, pizza…) * food dyes (especially the red and yellow ones) * Aspartame (sugar substitute in candy and gum) and MSG (flavor enhancer) * caffeine and chocolate * homogenized milk and be careful with soya milk which is often difficult to digest * preservatives * carbonated drinks Secondly, they NEED: * vitamins (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) * minerals * phytochemical supplements * proteins (amino acids) * essential fatty acids * glyconutrients, eight essential monosaccharides (sugars) * drink daily more purified water (one quart of water for every fifty pounds of weight.) * probiotics, which are the good bacteria needed in the intestines * get rid of toxins through exercise and antioxidants (Vitamin C is excellent) * get rid of parasites * sleep well The intention of this article is to not create more problems, but to summarize the main nutritional issues related to learning and attention behaviours in order better understand some of the physical root problems of learning and attention behaviours. Pursue your research, and pray for wisdom that you may glean what you need to help your children and yourselves. Make the changes step by step. Ask God for wisdom to know what you cannot change and wisdom to know what you can and need to do. A professional assessment of your child’s balance of nutrients in relation to his/her learning and attention inefficiencies may helpful. If you need help in assessing the learning and attention inefficiencies of your child I would love to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or needs. “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy: to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.” Psalm 33: 18-19 Resources To know more about glyconutrients (the good sugars): (phone David: 705-726-5971 or (the Canadian one)) Books Is Your Child's Brain Starving? Michael R. Lyon, M.D. Healing the Hyper Active Brain, Michael R. Lyon, M.D. ( Your Body's Many Cries for Water, F.Batmanghelidj, M.D. ( The ADD Book, by William Sears, M.D. and Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. Breaking the Vicious Cycle, by . Elaine Gottschall ( and ( Fat that Heal, Fats that Kill, Udo Erasmus Miracle Sugars, Rita Elkins, M.H. The Second Brain, Your gut has a mind of its own, Michael D. Gershon, M.D. Healing ADD, Daniel G. Amen, M.D. ( How to Survive on a Toxic Planet, Dr. Steve Nugent The Safe Shopper’s Bible. By Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD & David Steinman Nutrition and Mental Illness, by Carl C. Pfeiffer,Ph.D,M.D. Web sites: Dr Joseph Mercola ( (look for the article "Why you should avoid Soy" by Sally Fallon and for the DVD "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World") Environmental Causes of Learning Disabilities ( The Truth about Soy ( To know more about glyconutrients (the good sugars): (phone David: 705-726-5971 or (the Canadian one)) Copyright 2005 Suzanne Day, Neuropsychologist member of l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec

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